Visuals Balance Changes Weapons Effects Earth Talents Fire Talents Storm Talents The end of first milestone is here. All basic gameplay logic is implemented and ready to improve upon. The next milestone should be closed within a month in august.Main focus of next milestone will be in-game

Main focus in this week was put into gamepad support and ability/stat scaling. Each talent acquired by player will now increase his physical/magical damage scaling, but it will also increase overall health and damage of spawned enemies. Work with scaling enemies will be continued as process going further into the game, because there is no universal formula that accounts for all cases and scaling for enemies will be handled by using lookup table.

Abilities and Talents Tectonic Pressure: active talent for Obsidian Scales. Releases 50% of stored damage in 3m area around player Protector Effect: (rework) Protection aura was difficult to maintain, from now on protection is skill tanks will cast every 10 seconds which

Abilities and Talents Conduit: Dealing critical strikes applies Conduit effect on enemies, increasing storm damage they receive by 20% for 15 seconds Lightning Rod: Dealing critical strikes, using slam attack, or using Call Lightning skill creates additional lightning strikes on every enemy